Friday, January 29, 2010

Invisible becoming visible

By now many people have heard of the Invisible Children campaign and since I was in ninth grade I have been aware of it. Even before then Uganda had been a place very dear to me although I really have no idea why. I have always felt a pull to the country and the people there.

More than almost anything in the world I want to travel there and get to know the people and document their lives. But even more importantly I want to show God's love to them. Here in America I am so blessed and submerged in love. There has never been a shortage of it in my life----ever. I want to reach out to the people in Uganda and show them the love I have been given. Every time I read something on Uganda (or any other country in the world) or see pictures I want to hop on a plane and help wherever needed. There has to be a way I can show these people how deeply I care for them even if I have never met them and they don't even know of my existence.

Maybe one day God will present an opportunity to me to travel to Uganda or another third world country. Actually, on second thought I would love to be able to go on ANY missions trip. I have never been one but have always wanted to. One day if it's God's will, maybe I will be able to. :)

Have a wonderful evening, all! It snowed today (a lot! more than I have seen here in at LEAST 10 years.... I think we got about 4 inches) so I will be spending my weekend in the snow.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where do I begin?

I have so much on my mind right now that I want to talk about but I don't know where to begin..... I think I'm going to have a long talk with God tonight before I talk here. That always makes me feel better and makes my problems seem so much less important.

But here are a few points:
1. Tonight was very much needed. Even though I've hungout with Emily and Micah a few times lately, tonight was different. I also talked to Micah on the phone for an hour a couple of days ago and I felt so good when I was done talking with him. I hope to continue our conversation very soon.

2. Haiti. I just saw my first footage from Haiti a few minutes ago. Lord, please bless that nation. That's all I know to say....

3. I have a lot on my mind and it's time for me to go write and pray about it.

Expect a very long post soon. Also, please pray for Haiti. Those people are in desperate need of it. Let's pray this is eye opening and life changing in a way that will bring the people closer to Christ. The nation used to be so anti Christian that it has already undergone major changes. Continue to pray for this nation and their faith in Christ!

As always,
Just Sara.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Innocence is bliss-----

yes or no? What do you think?

I believe that it is in situations like health. To me, what I don't know won't hurt me. However, I like to know every detail of some situations.

What do you know about this saying?


Monday, January 4, 2010

Today is------

The perfect day for a photography expedition.
I think I might go take pictures of this snow-less winter wonderland.
If I end up going, I'll be sure to post pics. :)

Until later,

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Pink pants and Pink Moon

Pink Moon by Nick Drake is such a wonderful song.....

I usually play it safe when it comes to clothes, but I saw this pair of straight leg hot pink cords at Gap that were WAYYY to expensive. I wanted them so bad and had no intentions of buying them because of the price. Well, a day or two after Christmas my mom was in there doing a return and saw that they were on sale from like $60 to $16. Yes, that's still expensive for a pair of pants, but I have been coveting these pants for EVER.

Anyway, I'm wearing them now and it makes me very happy. :)

Also, I'm loving this cold weather! I can't remember ever having weather this cold for this long! :) I hear we're going to have highs in the 20's this week! :) I can't wait! We're also supposed to get snow!!!! Ah! Let's hope! I really want snow before my friends head back to college!

Anyway, I'm off to finish FAFSA paperwork (gross), then to meet a couple of friends for dinner.

Adios friends! Be sure to stay warm this week! I recommend a hat and scarf that is both cute and warm, and Starbucks to keep thy hands warm! haha :)


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Talks with friends and vintage family movies

Today has been another splendid day! I can think of only one small thing I would change if I could.

One of the highlights was the opportunity to watch old family videos from my dad's childhood. Because he was an "air force brat," the videos showed his life on Guam, in California, Michigan, Missouri, and Alabama. He was much the same when he was 8 as he is now which was really weird to see! haha :) Sometimes I forget that my parents used to be my age too. Also, my uncle Wayne was in the videos. He died at the age of 19 from Leukemia and I never had the chance to meet him unfortunately. I've been told we're a lot alike which I take as total compliment! He seemed so cool and free spirited. If I'm not like him, I hope that one day I will be. I had actually only seen one picture of him with hair before his chemotherapy so I hardly recognized him in the videos.

Anyway, there's my day.

I tried to get pictures of the blue moon last night. They only come once every 19 years and this time it fell on New Years Day. How cool is that? It was gorgeous but I was unable to capture it decently. Oh well.


Friday, January 1, 2010

"Somewhere only we know...."

I love them both so much.......

Somehow those lyrics describe today perfectly.

Today was the best possible way to begin a new year. Spending it with two of my best friends was wonderful. Just talking and listening to music was perfect. I enjoyed the encouragement I received from Emily today. We had the opportunity to just sit and lie in a field and talk in the freezing temperatures. It was glorious. She greatly encouraged me not to worry about the year to come. She helped put this into perspective which was needed.
So thank you, Emily. I really enjoyed out talk today! Let's return to that same spot with a picnic and Micah very soon if possible.

After having such a wonderful first day of 2010, how can the rest of the year not be good? I'm excited for whatever God has in store for me. :)

Alrighty. Here are my resolutions:
1.) Continue running and build up my mileage further. Just get fit in general.
2.) Graduate high school.
3.) Start college.
4.) Keep in touch with friends.
5.) Journal more often.
6.) Attempt poetry (yup, I'm gonna try).
7.) Try at least one thing new every day. I tried this last year and rather enjoyed it. :)
8.) Listen to more amazing music and share it with more people.
9.) Become a better friend on a spiritual level. I want to get better about asking my friends what they need prayer for and ask how they're REALLY doing.
10.) Learn to procrastinate less. ha. This might be the hardest to keep.
11.) No cokes. Not a biggy though cause I rarely drink them every once in a while. But, I've decided that when I go to Moe's I can have a Micah (yup, that's what Anna named it. It's sprite and tea mixed). I usually get water there, but on the rare occasions that I don't, I'll allow myself to get one.
12.) Learn new skills. I haven't decided what yet, but I'll work on that and keep you posted. :)
13.) Get better about gossip. I give into this more often than I would like. It's hard, but I hate it so much. After I gossip I feel so guilty.
14.) Do as many small deeds this year as possible. Just little things that will make someone's day a little better if they're down.

Okay, that's a long list but a lot of those aren't hard. And they aren't very specific so I won't beat myself up if I mess one up. haha

So, despite the below freezing temps out tonight, I'm going to sit on the roof with my journal and enjoy the glory of the full moon this evening.

G'night all. Happy New Year! May God bless you in whatever is coming your way in 2010! :)

As Always,