Friday, August 28, 2009

One week down...

It's the end of the first week of school..... my senior year. eep! I survived the week. Barely.

The work load itself isn't that bad so far. However, two of my classes havne't even started yet (Comp 1 and Music Appreciation at Chatt State). I guess I shouldn't be complaining about school.... The teachers are great, I have classes with several of my friends, and the work load isn't too bad. But there seems to be something missing. Excitement? Fun? I don't know what it is. Usually the first week I'm all excited about classes starting because of all the new people I've met and all the new things I'll be doing that year. This year it's a little different. I know all the people in my classes and I'm doing the same activities as the years passed. I know God wants me where I'm at so obviously He has a purpose for all of this. Right now I'm just a little confused as to what that is. I feel like something is greatly lacking. I thought my schedule would be jammed packed of places to go, but right now it pretty much looks the same each day: class, *insert coffee house or book store here*, then class again.

I've decided I complain entirely too much. An unhealthy amount. I make my life sound like it's horrible when it's really not. I need to start magnifying the positive points in my life instead of all the negative. I think I shall try that next time. I would try now but my brain doesn't feel like working and in all honesty I can't think of a whole lot of good.

Oh! Wait! I can think of something good! The Bible study I'm in with some girls from Covenant Pres. is really good! We meet at Emily's house every Friday to discuss the book Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. This was only the second week, but I've really enjoyed it so far! All the girls (myself inclued), are still pretty quiet so the discussion is still pretty limited, but you can tell we're all getting more comfortable! Emily does a great job leading it. She talked a little today on Philippians 1:20-21 which really spoke to me. I have all of these goals for my life and a list of things to do before I die, but maybe that's not what God wants? I should go ahead and surrener my selfish desires and give into what He wants for me..... as hard as that might be.

So that's going to be one of my goals right now: to become less selfish and more focused on what Christ wants. *sigh* This could be a long journey. Selfisheness has always been one of my weaknesses....

Anyway, this is all for now. I have a headache and actually kinda sleepy.... *gasp!* It's not even 2 AM yet! Oh well.



  1. First part: I know how you feel, and we should totally get together a lot.

    Second part: I agree here! I complain WAYYY too much. My life is SO GOOD compared to tons of people.

    Third part: well thanks! I'm very excited with it, and I know once we get rolling it'll be great.

    Last part: Serious!? You were tired! at at at 8:30!? amazing.

  2. No... I don't know why it said 8:30 because I definitely didn't write that till about 12 AM.... haha
