Anwyay, Emily left for Texas on Thursday so on Wednesday we got together and did rainy day stuff even though it ended up being sunny..... oh well.
Hm... let's see.... Thursday I stepped in a wasp nest while I was on the phone. That's the second time I've done that but last time it was yellow jackets. I think I was stung 11 times. While it was happening I was jumping around yelling and laughing cause I didn't knwo what to do. I'm sure it was hilarious to watch. haha My foot is still swollen, red, and itchy cause I'm allergic to them. Oh well. haha
Today I think I'm hanging out with my good friend Jacquelyn because she leaves for college in a few days.... :( sadness...
Anyway, I'm off!
OHHHH! EMILY! we jsut found a raccoon that was trapped in our garage and i got a picture of it! I was like: "EMILYYYY!" haha
Alright, goodbye for now! :)
Oh my gosh. I just found this. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love it.