Saturday, September 26, 2009

Floods, Football, and school

Well, It's been entirely too long since I posted last. For that I am sorry, *cough* Emily *cough.

Life has been crazy.... and slow. I don't know how to describe it. Nothing extraordinarily wonderful at all, but nothing horrible either. I feel like I've finally gotten into the school routine. Wake up, school, school, school, come home, homework, dinner, homework, sleep, repeat. I'm still waiting for something super exciting to happen in school, but so far that hasn't happened. haha I'll keep waiting I guess. :)

OH! Something kinda cool that happened this week was a flood. A HUGE flood. It was historical (no, seriously). There was water everywhere (like there is in most floods.....). They say it was the hundred year flood.... we'll see. It was really bad! Stores, houses, yards, creeks, and everything were flooded horribly! Places I had never seen flooded in my [almost] 18 years in Chattanooga were flooded. Buildings and homes were ruined and a few people died which was really upsetting. I feel horrible for the families. Some of the stories I've heard are horrifying. Please pray for the families who are dealing with all of this.

The flooding ended on Wednesday but the creeks and rivers and all are still really full. Today we received ANOTHER two inches! I'm pretty sure I've seen Noah float by in my backyard a few times. Every time he goes by we wave at each other.
.......I don't know where that came from....... sorry.

So today I went to my first big college football game! It was sooo fun! :) I went to the Georgia Tech vs. North Carolina game. I'm not a huge fan of either but I like both of them decently. I went with Abby and her dad (who is a die hard Tech fan). The rain (for the most part) held off during the game. We had to huddle up in jackets a few times while a brief shower passed, but nothing horrible-----until the last 4 minutes of the fourth quarter.... THEN IT POURED! They had kept putting up news flashes on the big screen in the stadium warming on sever thunderstorms in the area, but of course nobody really left. haha Well, I wanted to run the other direction, but I didn't. I sat in my metal seat next to the giant metal lights high up in the air. Yeah. Safe, I know. In the last four minutes we couldn't take the rain anymore so we ran for cover to watch Tech win the game over North Caroline 24-7. :) After the game, we walked to The Varsity (in the rain, might I add) for lunch (tradition apparently). In all, it was a very fun day!

I rarely get to spend time with Abby anymore.... Last year we were inseparable but now we hardly see each other outside of school. But last night I spent the night at her house before the game and we spent the evening combining our faces with random guys faces to see what our baby would look like. Needless to say, this proved entertaining for a while. :)

I think I'm going to post pictures from a week or so ago when I hungout with Peri. Nothing wonderful, but they remind me of a fun day. :)

Anyway, This entry is chronologically VERY out of order. I'm sorry. Oh well, enjoy the pictures! :)

P.S. Emily- there's nothing in here about you cause I NEVER SEE YOU ANYMORE! School keeps us both busy, but we're LONG overdue for a Starbucks/music/Heritage day.

Peri took this picture and I think it's absolutely amazing! It had been raining and storming really hard and we were driving down Shallowford on our way to her house when she took this picture.
PERI! I think this girl is so pretty. Not just outside but inside too. I didn't know her that well until last year and now I really appreciate her as a friend. She's just awesome! :)
Peri took this picture and I really like it!... even though it's of myself..... Was that vain? I just meant it was a really good shot.... Not that I look good. Oh good grief! You know what I mean!
Us. hehehe
Well, this is a little more normal....


  1. Thanks, loves. I've missed this and you. WE never HANG OUT ANYMORE =( That's why you're calling me tomorrow! oKAY!?

  2. OKIE DOKIE! For SURE I'll call you tomorrow! :) :) :)
