On the way home from the Peachtree Road Race. I was disgusting and sweaty but I like the randomness of the picture with my sister, Jessica.
Micah's shoe and time tag with number
My shoe tag and number (exciting I know!)
About to walk to the starting line. Me looking a little worried/super energetic while Micah continues to be fascinated by his time tag on his shoe.
We were all a little tired that morning....
Cara and Emily at the Peter Pan party. Aren't they both so pretty?!
haha I like this one!
Emily and Cara decided to jump in the pool with their modern day fairy outfits on. I promised I'd get a picture of them jumping----however I missed. I'm sorry girls!
I love this picture of them! They're all so cute!
Saturday came and it was the 4th of July which means Peachtree Road Race and Fireworks----YAY! Well, the race went horribly! But one of my best friends, Micah, decided Friday that he would like to run too which was fun until the car ride home. At that point he got to experience my family in all its insanity..... poor Micah, he's probably scarred for life.
Anyway, once we arrived back into town from the race, it was time to go to Coolidge Park for the Pops on the River and fireworks where we met up with the amazing and wonderful Emily! :) The three of us were all exaughsted so our conversations were random and a bit spastic but it was a lot of fun (with the exception of near death with a gang hahahaha).
Okay, although this week/weekend doesn't sound that exciting to you, it was great for me for other reasons I didn't write down too.
Alrighty, I'm off for now! Have a wonderful week! :)
Yay! Love this. Haha The picture of you And Michu Pichu makes me laugh.