Anyway, this week has by far been one of the best weeks in a long time for a few different reasons. Prayer requests have been answered one after another this week. Some I was even doubtful would ever be answered but God came through and answered them quickly in ways I didn't even expect! I've pretty much been in awe of God all week. The ways He has proved faithful have been amazing. Words cannot express how He has been working in my life and those around me.
Alright.... here are a few things that have happened this week that have been incredible!
1.) One of my dearest friends, Melissa, has an amazing testimony. But let me back up, the last few years Melissa and I have been "friends" but we never hung out. We only talked when two of our other best friends, Abby and Peri, were around. Not that we didn't like each other, but just weren't that close of friends. Long story short, Peri and Abby now have a lot of their attention elsewhere (hehe :) ), so Melissa and I have become really close. God knew I needed a friend who could really encourage me in what I have happening in my life. I had been praying for another friend who would help me in these specific areas of my life. That was the first prayer request answered.
2.) Melissa was asked to giver her testimony in church on Wednesday which originally she was hesitant to do because of the number of people and her fear of public speaking. But, she accepted the request and spoke. I wish I could have been there but she says it went really well which I'm so happy with! Her testimony is one you'd never expect her to have and I'm sure it spoke to several people in her church. She had been looking for ways for God to use her, and I think that was a definite way. :)
3.) So now Melissa and I are good friends. In the matter of just a couple of weeks. Another thing is little did I know that Melissa had been praying since the summer for my relationship with Christ to be set on fire. She didn't know why she was praying for that and I didn't know she even was. If you read back in my blog to the summer, God really began opening my eyes to all that was missing my life in April last year. It wasn't necessarily major things, but small things that had added up over time. I realized that and began to try to straighten things out. My friends, Emily and Micah, both encouraged me a lot this past summer whether they realize it or not. I remember a few conversations with each of them where we talked about our relationships with Christ and our beliefs and all. Back then I really wanted to have a spiritual revival within myself but nothing drastic happened. I did see major differences but not like I am now. My relationship with Christ seems to be growing by leaps and bounds right now. He's speaking to me so clearly and so many requests have been answered----not only in my life though, in my friends' lives too! I want to do something for Him but I still DON'T KNOW WHAT! With prayer maybe I'll come up with something. :)
4.) College. Oh dear. That has been a popular topic of my blogging lately. This week on a very busy Wednesday, I walked in my house and found a letter sitting on my dresser where my parents had left it for me. It was addressed to me from Covenant College with "Financial Aid Award Enclosed" stamped across the front. I said a quick prayer then ripped it open. Inside I found a letter stating I had been awarded WAYYYY more money than I had thought I would receive! I almost started crying. I jumped up and down and ran out of the house to find my dad then quickly called my mom. So, as of now, I'm going to be attending Covenant College in the Fall. I can't believe it. I feel this is where God really wants me and I'm soooo excited! That evening I spent about 4 hours on the phone talking to Covenant friends and various other friends who I thought would like to know the news. :) Needless to say, I hardly got any homework done that evening. I was soooo excited about the news. I won't hear from Northeastern for a little bit longer, but even if I do get in I don't think God wants me there----unless He wants to completely change my mind (which He has done for Covenant before haha).
5.) Another prayer request involving a friend of mine was answered too this week. I don't want to say what because I don't it's my place to share it with the world. It was something I had been praying about for a long time and I had no idea they were even considering what I was praying about. I actually wasn't praying for anything in particular, but God knew what was best and answered it in the way that was best! :)
6.) I am now a lifeguard. Thank goodness. I was actually worried I wouldn't pass the test but I did fine! haha :)
Well, I must be going. I'm off to write letters to friends, do homework, and practice for my senior recital (oh dear....).
2 Corinthians 2:14-17